Ardbeg: Right under their nose
Ardbegs Festival steht in diesem Jahr ganz unter dem Thema der alten Schmugglergeschichten. So machten wir uns von der Distillery auf den Schmugglerpfaden auf zum Fairy Hill, um aus unterwegs zufällig gefundenen Flaschen verbotene Tropfen zu genießen.
Ardbeg Right under their nose
This year, the Ardbeg festival theme was entirely about old smuggler stories. So we made our way from the distillery to fairy hill along former bootlegger paths, enjoying a few forbidden drops found coincidentally in bottles along our track. ... right under our nose ....

Geschichten, Nibs and Nibbles am Fairy Hill mit der Feenbank im Blick, herrliches Wetter - so verging die Zeit viel zu schnell.
Ein wirklich gelungener Nachmittag.
Real .... absolutely real Stories, nibs and nibbles at fairy hill with a view at the fairy seat, lovely weather - this way, time flew way too fast.
An afternoon that worked out very well.

Douglas Laing Tasting und Foodpairing im Ballygrant Inn
Gut, dass wir zum abendlichen Event laufen konnten. Zum Ballygrant Inn sind es nur fünf Minuten.
Douglas Laing tasting and food-pairing at Ballygrant Inn
It was pleasant to be able to walk to this event, as the Ballygrant Inn is just five minutes away.

Douglas Laing präsentierte seine neuen Abfüllungen, die durch leckere Speisekombinationen ihre Aromen bestens präsentieren konnten.
Trotz der etwas beengten Verhältnisse war das Drei Gang Menü von David Graham ein Genuss.
Im anschließenden Pub Quiz belegten wir dann noch einen ausgezeichneten zweiten Platz - was will man noch viel mehr?
Douglas Laing presented their new bottlings, which were able to unfold their flavours in combination with tasty food at best.
Despite the confined space conditions, the three-course menu of David Graham was a sensual pleasure.
In the pub quiz that took place afterwards, we were able to rank 2nd well-deserved; what more could one ask for?
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